Monday, August 22, 2011

Our house! Please start at bottom pics! ha! Out of order!!!

So this entry is of our TULSA home where we live basically 9/10 months of the year. We have lived here for 18 years! It looks tiny from the front but because my family has always been in the construction business we have been blessed to do construction and major additions as needed! In fact, as the Lord began laying it on our hearts that you may become a part of our family, well....3 days later we began construction again. We have ALMOST finished closing in the, A/C and all :) Bella jumped at the chance to give up her room :) Tonight I just finished painting the trim in what will either become your room or a guest room.

Often, people are confused. Why is our home in Tulsa so much smaller than our home at the lake? I believe you are old enough to not only understand, but appreciate, that we are a family that likes to 'live simply'. Over my stove I have a plaque that says, "Live others may simply live". We have been blessed beyond measure but we are a family that shops consignment, coupons and prefers free entertainment :) By staying in the same home for so long we have been able to DO so much more than we would if we had a big mortgage payment. Our kiddos go to a great private school, we eat out probably more than we should and LOOOOOVE to be able to give when He asks us to.

Oh my word....i attached this pic b/c it gave a glimpse into our kitchen. Kinda scary huh? ha! The kids had constructed a fantastic hot wheels track so I took a pic on a very messy but fun filled day :)

Our driveway is always empty of cars b/c it is where a LOT of the fun goes down. I don't know a better word for it SO...this is our family playing 'butts up' with a tennis ball on the garage.

This is in the 'dining room'. Please disregard my very silly husband. He was ATTEMPTING to learn how to do 'the Jerk'....very unsuccesfully! ha!

WE love to garden!!! We've only been doing it for about 3 years but we are getting better every year! This summer was a SCORCHER though and temps for 3 weeks were over 100! UGH! My garden when I returned from His House was a goner :(

This is an every other weekend occurence at our house. We have 'house church' in our home. Lots of kids, teenagers and adults. It is very casual, jeans, shorts and t-shirts. We hang out and eat together and then study the WORD and worship the Lord as long as we want to :).
And this is the front of our home. Like I said, it looks tiny from the front but I think that even if we hit the 'lottery' we would have a hard time moving. 18 years of amazing memories here. OH AND, our house LITERALLY backs up to a city park! Just past our trampoline and playfort is access to a bball gym, tennis court, small swimming pool, huge soccer/bball fields and a playground.

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