Monday, August 22, 2011

More about us....

Our fam...... names, ages and interests.

Chris- 42 - (Nickname Baldy - he has shaved his head for 11 yrs now so I have no clue if he would still have hair, ha! ;) Owns a company called GGW which stands for God Given Wind. It is a wind energy company that develops and constructs HUGE windmills that produce energy. He LOVES being with kids doing just about anything....building or fixing ANYthing, playing games and sports, football, bull riding (he doesn't DO it...just watches it a lot :), worshipping God ( I know that may sound funny but the man gets SOOO excited alone or with others when worshipping the Lord!), working on cars and he loves anything related to numbers or math.

Julie -38 - (Most people call me Julz) - I LOVE being with my family. Always surrounded by kids. I was a school teacher for 7 years but now I'm so blessed to stay home with the kids. I paint custom items (at my house) for a children's boutique called Kathleens Kids. I LOVE to read and WRITE! Love going to kids sports and activities. I wish I was a good cook but I TRY! :) Love working in the garden. And like Chris, I LOVE worshipping the Lord alone or with others!

Ethan - 11 - (Nicknames E Man or E) He is a very creative kiddo! He LOVES to draw and play the piano. He also loves baseball and football. He is very small in stature for his age but that usually cracks people up because he is SOOOO brave and tough. He LOVES to snuggle and isn't embarrased to sit on my lap or hold my hand.....even in front of his friends :) WOO HOO! E is in the 6th grade. This is his first year to play 'tackle' football - (Ugh! I'm dreading seeing him get hit- but he thinks it's AWESOME!)

Bella - 8 - (Bella Rose/ Bella Boo) Bella is about the most positive and encouraging person you'll ever meet. She loves to get lost in her imagination playing with her dolls and dancing. She probably loves playing alone so much b/c her brothers aren't into 'those things' and get in the way there....ha! She plays soccer and piano. She is in the 3rd grade.

Isaiah - 4 almost 5 /Oct 13th- (Nickname Zaya) ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY! I often joke that the story of David and Goliath perfectly describes Zaya. He may be small but he doesn't know it!!! He is always on the go and searching for a sport to do! He enjoys video games a bit too much, ha!

We have a dog named Jake that is about 3 years old. We adopted him from a shelter when he was 1 1/2. Our best guess is that he is a mix of a pug (has the tail) and a boxer. We also have a cat named Salvation (Sal). We rescued her just after she was born and left alone in a barn. Both of these poor animals are AMAZING with kids because basically from birth they have been carried in all positions, dressed up and snuggled. :)

So those are some 'words' that describe us. Like I said, tough to really know someone from words. I'll throw in a couple recent videos that show us in action as well as the crazy weather in Oklahoma. We LOVE the lake and enjoy the months of snow that come to Oklahoma every year too.

This was taken up the street from our house at the school where I used to teach. Every year we get at least one or two good snow DUMPS! Out come the sleds and snow gear for lots of fun. This year Ethan had the idea to do a fundraiser. We shoveled driveways and collected cans for the John 3:16 homeless mission in Tulsa. It was really overwhelming how many people responded! The newspaper even came out and did an article. Ethan has a huge heart :)

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