Wednesday, August 24, 2011

MORE of our family!

This is me and my sisters. Kate is on the left in the stripes. Kimberley is in the hot pink. The baby she is holding is actually Kate's baby, Cooper. He is now 1 and finally walking :)!

This is my mom. Everyone calls her "Nan". She is VERY excited to be your Nan too! With her is my brother James. The Lord led James to be a part of our family about 6 years ago. He is from Kenya. He has a wonderful accent and is soooo excited to meet you! You will love the way he says, "MAWTIN." :)

And this is the crew of cousins!!! From left to right is Annie (15), Jack (14), Joe (12), Ethan (11), Sam (10), Bella (8), Amelia (Milly, will turn 8 at the lake on Labor Day Wknd!-get ready for her bday party :), Cooper (1), and Isaiah (Zaya, 4)---They are ALL CRAZY excited to meet you!!! Joe sent me a text 2 days ago saying he was ready to 'shoot hoops' with u. :)
Another shot of the cousins. Annie, Amelia and Cooper are brother and sisters - their mom is Kate (Auntie Kate). Jack, Joe and Sam are brothers - their mom is Kimberley (Aunt Kimmy) and well you know Ethan, Bella and Isaiah :)

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