Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet Our Family

Hello Martin! For the past 3 weeks, our family has been talking about YOU nonstop. I'm not sure if you remember me or not, but my son Ethan and I came to His House the last week of summer camp with a group from Tulsa, Oklahoma. While we were there the Lord did the most amazing thing. He began laying it strongly on Ethan and I's hearts, that if you were interested, you would be an amazing and very special addition to our family. Since then, we have been praying like crazy, talking about you to everyone that will listen :) and getting really, really excited about introducing ourselves to you. Please do not ever feel pressure about how you respond to us. This is a HUMONGOUS decision and we are praying and believing that the Lord will be so patient and clear as you seek HIS plan for your life.

We just want you to know that with ALL of our hearts we would be HONORED to be your parents, brothers and sister. It goes far beyond that though because you would also have cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents that are calling us everyday asking about you and excited to meet you :).

I created this blog so that you could easily access it as you pray. It is kinda hard to tell someone exactly who you are through words and pictures, because as you know, people are so much more than that. If someone was describing the Knapp family- I believe these would be some of the words they would choose.....

CRAZY about God, crazy about each other, real, love, very silly, passionate, big family, loves outdoors, sports, the lake, snow, wow, this could go on and on....ha!

Please just know.....this blog is simply to tell you that we would LOVE to have you in our family.....FOREVER, FOR ALWAYS AND NO MATTER WHAT. And we are so so so very thankful that the Lord led us to Miami to meet you!!!

Zaya (in my shades, ha) and Chris driving the boat a couple months ago.
The gang on Father's Day right when they woke up :) You can tell with the bed heads and sleepy eyes. Chris sleeps in a stocking cap even in the summer! He's a nut. He always says, "Well, you don't understand b/c you HAVE hair! ;)"
This was the postcard that Ethan and I sent out to friends and family for them to pray for our trip to His house. Wow! So glad we came for many reasons! Especially to meet you!
Kiddos being goofy in the fields at the lake
These are some of the kids that God has put in our life to be family to even though they aren't adopted. They have a really hard life. We enjoy spending 1 or 2 days a week w/ them just hanging out. Going to their games, graduations, bdays etc. You would love em :)---there is also a 10 yr old boy and now their mom is pregnant again.

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